The Therapy Corner

"Stepping Towards Relief:

Conquering Plantar Fasciitis and Restoring Foot Health"

plantarfasciitis, Foot pain, heel pain, difficulty walking,

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that causes pain in the heel and bottom of the foot. It occurs due to inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the sole of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes. The plantar fascia provides support to the arch of the foot and acts as a shock absorber during weight-bearing activities.

When the plantar fascia is excessively stretched or strained, it can develop small tears or become irritated, leading to inflammation and pain. Plantar fasciitis is often characterized by a stabbing or sharp pain in the heel, especially when taking the first steps in the morning or after periods of rest. The pain may improve with movement but can worsen with prolonged standing, walking, or physical activity.

Several factors can contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis, including:

  1. Overuse or repetitive strain: Activities that involve excessive standing, walking, running, or jumping can put repeated stress on the plantar fascia, leading to micro-tears and inflammation.
  2. Foot structure and mechanics: Flat feet, high arches, or an abnormal walking pattern can place uneven pressure on the plantar fascia, increasing the risk of injury.
  3. Obesity: Carrying excess body weight can put additional strain on the plantar fascia, leading to inflammation and pain.
  4. Improper footwear: Wearing shoes that lack proper arch support or cushioning can contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition among athletes, individuals who spend long hours on their feet, and those with certain risk factors such as obesity or foot abnormalities. It can be diagnosed through a physical examination, medical history assessment, and sometimes imaging studies like X-rays or ultrasound.

Treatment and relief from plantar fasciitis is possible.  It requires reduction in inflammation, decrease in muscles tightness, increase in mobility and range of motion as well as support and proper positioning of the foot.  This can include rest, stretching, exericses and tissue releases. 

Our “Stepping Towards Relief Protocol” at Anointed Hands Wellness is a comprehensive treatment plan that includes MLS Laser, Dry Needling, Muscle Energy Technique, Myofascial Release, Cupping, Kinesiology Taping and Ionic Foot Detox. This combination of services is proved to provide quick relief.

 We can help get relief in just a few sessions, however, individual experiences may vary.  Book a Diagnostic Exam to see how we can help you!!

About the author 

Anointed Hands Physical Therapy and Wellness

Jameka has focused her 18+ years of experience treating pediatrics, geriatrics, and athletes to become a well-rounded Physical Therapist. She is certified in Dry Needling, Myofascial Release, Pilates Mat and Equipment, Functional Movement and Taping, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilizations, and Cupping. Her patients are like family to her and she is dedicated to helping people improve function without unneeded surgeries or steroid injections!

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Total Body Diagnostic

This Diagnostic session allows the therapist to get a better understanding of how we can help you transform your life and help you reach your goals. This is your opportunity to express your concerns, limitations and desires. This investigative session may require you to perform a sequence of movements so that we can determine your limitations and restrictions and afterwards a discussion of whether therapy will best help you.
